Friday, April 23, 2010

The Official Certificates

Certificates of family members ... old, older & not so old

The town of BLANDFORD, UK

PHOTOS .. past & present

he christening of jeremy John BLANDFORD c.1950

From L to R
Reverand Canon Corban, Winifred BLANDFORD (grandmother), Barbara BLANDFORD (mother), Jim McGirr (next door neighbour), Juliet Allan, Jeremy, The Blows outside St Lukes Church, Manurewa, AUCKLAND

Jeremy and his mother Barbara c. 1952-53 at home ... 96 Browns Road, Manurewa

More from the Diary of Arthur Ernest POLLOCK 1878

Please excuse some of the strange words as interpretation from the original is a tad challeging. The diary is written by Arthur ernest POLLOCK ( the father of my grandmother Winifred). You can see his initials in the cast for Robin Hood in the diary entry for Monday 29th July 1878

Saturday 20 .07.1878
Up again at six. On deck and once more had the water thrown over me. 'Igor?' and Ernest Fox (another passenger) were swinging on a rope which was attached horizontally to a mast when it gave way and they came down a distance of six feet. Fortunately neither of them was much hurt. Breakfast and on deck. Sunny day saw a French ship and in the evening we got out of the Bay of Biscay, distance made till 12 oclock 110 miles. I turned in at about 12.

Sunday 21st .7.1878
Did not get up till about 8am. Had breakfast and on deck 10:30am. Had morning service. Captaian Davies read the prayers and Mr Fox (one of the passengers) read the lessons. Distance made till 12 o’clock 152 miles. Had dinner and on main deck. Singing hymns. Most of the passengers sing along as well. Turned in at 11. No moon tonight. Vessel going about 10 ½ knots an hour. During the day we met a steamer. Too far to speak to and also passed a three masted vessel, English but could not make out the signals. Think it was the New Zealand bound vessel which passed us in the Channel. While we were at service in the morning a vessel passed us but we did not seem to recognise it. During the day caught two stormy petrels.

Monday 22/7/1878
Up at 5:30am bathers … had buckets of water thrown over me. Had breakfast and on deck. Quoits and reading till lunch. Fishing for petrels, caught one. Sighted French vessel, dinner and on deck till 11. Distance made during the day 204 miles. Weather rather showery.

Tuesday 23rd /7/78
Did not turn out till 7:30 on deck till breakfast at 8:30. The day was the quietest we’ve had. Distance reads 152 miles. Had forgotten yesterday to mention that Igor and I and Mr Fox (one of the passengers) went onto the forecastle. We were caught and had to pay our ???????? Which amounted to 1 bottle of whiskey each. In the evening I had an accident, Bumped my head very severely. Cut the skin. Today I have bumped it several times which has been very unpleasant besides renewing the bleeding. We are practising some glu??? to sing. I am taking bass.

Wednesday 24/7/1878
Again very lazy not up till 7:30am. Had breakfast with the children and again my breakfast at 8:30am. Went to the forecastle. The water is so clear that we can see the keel quite plainly although it is more than 20 feet under water. Again on the poop. Saw a turtle. I was the first to discover it. It was about 2 foot long. Lunch and again on deck. We are off Madiera but land not in sight. Distance 154 miles. Toward evening a breeze sprang up right 'aft'. Ship rocking tremendously so turned in at 10:45

Thursday 25/7/78
Up at 5:30 and on deck bathing. Breakfast at 8:30. Ship heaving very much. Had fiddles on the table to keep the plates on for the first time. Practicing singing As did yesterday afternoon. Several times during the day we saw flying fish. Spent most of my morning on the forecastle. Lunch and on deck. Could scarcely stand, the ship rolled so much. Several chairs with people on them were blown over. We have plum pudding and dessert today and also on Sunday. Distance made 182 miles. Turned in at 11:15. weather very blowey from NE. The vessel rolling very much.

Friday 26th/7/78
Up at 5:30. On the main deck and bathed. Breakfast at 8:30. After breakfast on the forecastle with Igor and one or two tried shooting. Vessel rocking too much to walk about. We are off the Canneries. Lunch and practising glies. Our luggage is brought out of the hold. My head aching from the bump I got a day or two back. Dinner and on deck. Can only sit and read as we are rocking so much. Made several boats for the children. Distance made during the day 198 miles. Igor has turned into his hammock on deck. I turned in to my berth at 11:15. Rocking very much. Can scarcely write.

Saturday 27th/7/78
Up at 7:30 did not bathe. After breakfast went forward and had some shooting. The ship is very unsteady so could not shoot well. In the afternoon we saw a small ship but could not speak to it as it was too far off. Had some singing and turned in about 11:15. Distance made 198 miles.

Sunday 28/7/78
Again too lazy to bathe. Up though at 7:30. breakfast and on deck. 10:30 had open air service. Capt. Davies read the service and Mr Fox the lessons. In the evening we had some hymns. Went on deck after supper. Turned in at 10:30. Distance 176 miles.

Monday 29th/7/78
Sailors held service up on deck at 4:30 this morning ( It Holy sto???? the deck) The noise was very bad but I managed to sleep through it. Breakfast 8:30. As usual nothing particular doing. We are going to put on Robin Hood and Miss Aichinson is printing the parts. She has a printing machine on board. She touches the letters as you would a piano. I am stage manager and Robin Hood

Sir Reginald ... Mr Fox (Civil Engineer)
Robin ... A.E.P (Arthur Ernest Pollock)
Allan (much) ... Mr Blampied (2nd mate)
King Richard ... N.H Igor
Hugo ... Mr Ernest Fox
Little John and Scarlet (both combined)
... Mr A Kune (son of an Indian ????)
Marian ... Miss Michell (a clergyman’s daughter)
Alice ... Miss Catherine Prudeaux Fox
This with arranging play takes all the afternoon. After dinner we are on deck but doing nothing. Distance made ???.

Tuesday July 30th 7/78
Up at 7:30. On deck till breakfast. Again on deck. Nothing doing in afternoon …printing again. One of the passengers named Elliott ran up the rigging. He was seen and a sailor immediately rushed after him. He however was not enough so another sailor went up. Between them they secured him. He paid for his fooling and came down. In the evening one of the children on board died. Daughter of a Scotsman in the steerage. He had 7 children on board. The youngest were twins … one of them died. Distance made during the day.
Weather very warm we are in the tropics Turned in at 10:30.

Wednesday 31/7/78
Up at 7:30. At 8oclock the Capt. read the burial service over the body of the child. All the passengers with only one or two exceptions were congregated on the main deck. After breakfast we are again at the printing machine as there are eight copies to be printed. In the afternoon also we are printing. I have written new words to one of the songs and expect to write for almost all.
Had to cut up a quarter of mutton today. In the evening the 2nd and 3rd Mates and all the male passengers had trials of stregth and ???. The ladies looked on. Distance . Slept on deck tonight.

Thursday 1/8/78
Nothing particular doing. The weather is calm. Still printing and rehearsing. Turned in on deck.
Friday 2/8/78
Up at 5:30 and bathed. A vessel in sight. The day is very warm. Flying fish are very numerous. Today we saw seven ships. We should have sent letters by one which passed within a quarter of a mile but it was too dark. It was an American ship. We gave ours and received their cheers.

Saturday 3/8/78
Up at 6 am bathing. The day is very uneventful with the exception of rehearsals. By the light of a lantern we had one out on the poop.

Sunday 4th /8/78
Up at 8 oclock. Breakfast. Service at 10:30. Weather very calm. At 11:30 a squall sprang up and we scudded along firmly. Again a very quiet day

... well that's all the diary I have in my possession but what is there gives some insight into life on board a ship coming to New Zealand in the late 1800s.

The Old Man

A story by Joshua Blandford about his grandfather ... Geoffrey Ray Dreadon

[In terms of geneology .. Geoff was Joshua's step-grandfather. Geoff married Joshua's paternal grandmother .. Barbara]

The sleek expertly crafted handle reflected the bright mid-January sun. The metal wove its way into a deep brown mahogany shaft. It rested against a large and wrinkled hand, sitting on the horrible floral patterned arm of a swivel chair. Black dirt engraved under the fingernails; a result of endless tinkering with mucky antique guns. The veins and wrinkles all combined to make the hands own rocky mountain range. The rocky cliffs were swallowed whole by a brown cross checked cotton shirt which tucked in neatly to a pair of beige trousers.

His eyes cast out across what is now land covered in semi-industrial factories. The thin wisps of pearl white hair flicked in the gentle breeze. He closed his eyes and used his memory to take out and replace the missing pieces of the "spot the difference" puzzle. Now the man's eyes met with plush, rolling green farmland. Cattle and sheep stood en mass, in great numbers, enclosed by fences. In the distance a white windmill stood proud, atop a small hill. Under it, the outline of four young boys playing.

To his left he saw an old, dusty dirt road. There was an army platoon of hay bales standing neatly in line, being munched on by three bronze coloured horses. Looking up there was a clear blue stain glass window hanging in the sky. The fresh smells of his wife's baking hung pleasantly in the still air heightening his senses. The man then saw himself; young and fit. He was robust and strong, his lean cage like silhouette roasting in the heat. Beads of sweat settled on his temples and dripped onto the rusty orange spade he was using to dig up the earth. It all combined to make an amazing impressionist painting, full of colours and silent sounds; texture and motionless life.

It had been long since those days. His beloved wife grew old with him before she passed on. His four sons had grown up and found their own places of peace and tranquillity. They eventually had sons and daughters of their own, making the man a grandfather.

The man himself was now left, fragile and brittle, however not left alone or unhappy. He was thankful for that. One by one the activities he so much loved became too strenuous to complete. Drenching, docking and harvesting were among the first to go. His bones and muscles gradually lost their strength and became frail and weak. Now he struggled to even make wooden toy trucks and trains for his much loved grand children.

"Show me how to use the spinning top, grandpa" I asked.

He took it from my small smooth hand into his larger rough one. He examined his work closely, running his eyes over the cleverly crafted joints of the simple object. The grain ran smooth underneath the glassy varnish. Like him the spinning top would age and change with time. It would chip and lose its shiny coating. Its rope would fray and split; the joints would open and crack. Eventually it would become too old, too chipped, too fragile. It would be put away and be replaced by a younger, shinier version than itself.

"Maybe one last time" he replied.

John Arthur Rawdon BLANDFORD 1913-1954

The following information is listed in the Liber Melburniensis (a record of students and staff who attended Melbourne Grammar School)

BLANDFORD, Rawden Arthur John (Rawden) , son of F V Blandford; b 1913; adm Wad 1925;Sen Schl 1927;IC 1928 (Intermediate Certificate it equates now with Year 10 or the Junior Certificate) ;Aths Team 1927, XVIII 1929, XI 1928-29;NZ;2nd WW 1941-45 NZ Army Served ME & Italy, 27 MG, Bn & 4 Fd Amb

MG is Machine Gun BN is Battalion and 4 FD Amb is 4 Field Ambulance so it appears that J.A.R. served in the 27 Machine Gun Battalion and then probably transferred to the 4 Field Ambulance.

New Zealand Representatives
James A.R. Blandford 1935/36

Jim Blandford
Full name John Arthur Rawdon Blandford
Born January 31, 1913, Dunedin, OtagoDied December 24, 1954, Auckland (aged 41 years 327 days)
Major teams Auckland, Wellington
Batting style Right-hand bat
Fielding position Wicketkeeper

First-class span
1932/33 - 1940/41

for further information you can go to:

Joshua BLANDFORD ... grandson of J.A.R.

Male Lineage ... or ancestral pedigree ???

b. 1761 - d. 29.10.1808 ...
b. 21.07.1801 - d. 20.02.1860 ... sheep stealer & publican
b. 17.10.1841- d. 10.12.1898 ... GMgr Bing Harris Dunedin
'Monty" Francis Victor BLANDFORD
b. 1883 - d. 12.10.1960 ... Radio Announcer
b. 31.01.1913- d. 24.12.1954 ... cricketer
b. 03.08.1950 ...
b. 24.10.1989 ...


Born on: 21 Jul 1801 at Millbrook HAM ENG
Baptised on: 30 Oct 1801 at: Millbrook Parish Church, Southampton HAMPSHIRE ENGLAND
Occupation: Inn Keeper & Auctioneer
Died on: 20 Feb 1860 at: Corbridge, Northumberland, England

It is not known why Thomas moved to the other end of England as a young man but there is a family legend that sheep stealing was involved, which was a capital offence in those days, a good enough reason to move from Hampshire to Northumberland. Thomas was an Innkeeper at Corbridge at the Hostlery known as The Angel Inn. This Inn is still there in Main Street. George BLANDFORD who died in the Royal Oak fire (1898)was born (17.10.1841) at the Angel Inn. This photo of the Inn is c. 1910.
c. 1955

Where it is on the MAP ... The Angel Inn, Main Street Corbridge
NE45 5LA; Tel: +44 1434 632119

an old map of Corbridge ... c. 1860

Excert from Michelin on the Cheap 2006

Northumberland: for Hadrian’s Wall and the lonely Border Forest, stay at the simple West Close House, in Hexham (01434 603307; doubles from £50), and dine at the Angel Inn, Corbridge (01434 632119; meals from £14.50).

The Vagabond's House ... from "Monty" Blandford's Radio Programme

The following was quoted from . . ."Philosopher's Scrapbook" ... printed in 1950, an anthology of prose and verse compiled by Monty Blandford( Jeremy & Michael's grandfather) ,and from the writings used in the sessions he broadcast in the '30s and '40s from Radio 3DB, Melbourne. The piece was wriiten by Don Blanding

Some Lines Scrawled on the Door of Vagabond's House . . .

West of the sunset stands my house
There . . and east of the dawn
South to the Pole, my lawn;
Seven seas are to sail my ships
To the ends of the earth . . . beyond;
Drifter's gold is for me to spend -
For I am a vagabond.

Fabulous cities are mine to loot;
Queens of the earth to wed;
Fruits of the world are mine to eat;
The couch of a king, my bed;
All that I see is mine to keep;
Foolish the fancy seems,
But I am rich with the wealth of Sight
The coin of the realm of dreams

When I have a house . . . as I sometimes may . . .I
'll suit my fancy in every way.
I'll fill it with things that have caught my eye
In drifting from Iceland to Molokai.I
t won't be correct or in period style,
But . . . oh, I've thought for a long, long while
Of all the corners and all the nooks,
Of all the bookshelves and all the books,
The great big table, the deep soft chairs,
And the Chinese rug at the foot of the stairs
(It's an old, old rug from far Chow Wan
That a Chinese princess once walked on).

My house will stand on the side of a hill
By a slow, broad river, deep and still,
With a tall lone pine on guard nearby
Where the birds can sing and the storm winds cry.
A flagstone walk, with lazy curves,
Will lead to the door where a Pan's head serves
As a knocker there, like a vibrant drum,
To let me know that a friend has come,
And the door will squeak as I swing it wide
To welcome you to the cheer inside.

For I’ll have good friends who can sit and chat
Or simply sit, when it comes to that,
By the fireplace where the fir logs blaze
And the smoke rolls up in a weaving haze.
I’ll want a woodbox, scarred and rough
For leaves and bark and odorous stuff,
Like resinous knots and cones and gums,
To toss on the flames when winter comes.A
nd I hope a cricket will stay around,
For I love it’s creaky lonesome sound.

FYI ... The full version can be found on

. . . A little more info on Don Blanding ... by Monty Blandford:

The house is his ideal expression of that imaginaryretreat which each man builds and furnishes according to his heart's desire.His wanderings and wishings brought him sufficient successto realize his dream and he built his 'Dream House'.As you will hear, he filled it with all the beautiful things his heart had longed for. He lived in it and his door was always open to the guest or wayfarer.The tragedy came some years later when, during one of his nomadic absences, the dream house was destroyed by fire. With his experience and philosophies he would have made a wonderful 'dinner guest', eh? Unfortunately, he is probably not around any more .

George Francis BLANDFORD

My great grandfather ... born 17 October 1841 at Angel Inn, Corbridge, Northumberland England. The Angel Inn was a hostlery owned by his father Thomas S. Blandford, who according to family legend was the 'sheep stealer' who moved from Hampshire to Northumberland as a young man.

He was the father of Arthur Rawdon BLANDFORD (Brenda's
grandfather) and Victor Francis 'Monty' BLANDOFORD (Jeremy & Michael's

George died in the Royal Oak Hotel fire in Wellington in 1898. There were two fatalities. He was buried in Dunedin.
Here is some information from the Evening Post .. the Wellington paper

Widespread sympathy is felt for the many friends and relatives of the two men who have lost their lives under such tragic circumstances.

Mr George Blandford was General Manager in New Zealand of the firm Bing Harris and Co. warehousemen and manufacturers with Dunedin as his headquarters. He was a figure well known in commercial circles in both Australia and New Zealand and he was a man of undoubted business ability. In various warehouses in Australia including Hargoods establishment he has held the highest positions and his genial manner made him most popular and won for him the sincere regard of all those with whom he came in contact.

Some six or seven years ago he was the general manager for the firm of Butterworth Bros. Dunedin, a position he left to take one more lucrative in Australia. In January of this year he returned to New Zealand to take the position of general manager for Bing Harris & Co. He cam here on Thursday last on one of his regular visits and as usual stayed at the Royal Oak, it being his intention to leave Wellington on Monday. Mr Blandford was an Englishman, about 60 years of age and he leaves a widow and grown up family who have been advised of the sad fatality by the local representatives of the firm

The Evening Post, Wellington Monday 13 December 1898


BLANDFORD Tree ex Monty

Great Grandfather POLLOCK ... trip to NZ 1878

Dairy Commenced 11/7/1878
Started at 10:30am in the Ship Crusader to New Zealand..


John and mother came to see me off. John left me at the docks (East indian). Mother came to Graves End. Reached Graves End about 12. Stayed till four when Captain came on board. Mother went on alone in boat. We were tugged down the river with only two or three sails set. Are now somewhere about the mouth at 10:15pm. Mother has ????? with me on board. The vessel is now for the first time commencing to heave. I must stop or I shall heave too. Turning in at 10:15pm

Friday 12th july 1878
Turned out at 2 o'clock am. Had a turn or so on deck with the Cap. Pilot and two friends of the latter. About 2:30 the pilot left (Mr Grach?) and the Aug steamer took him back. Turned in again at 4:00 am Slept till 7 when I gotup. Had more coffee and immediately got rid of it again. Went on deck till breakfast. Had breakfast. Soon sent it after the first cup of coffee. Walked till dinner. Had that and again was ill. Only the Captain and the two others besides myself to breakfast and dinner. In the afternoon lay down till tea. Had tea and went on deck. The wind fell at 4pm and the sea got smooth. Walked till 10 o'clock when I turned in. Ig?? Did not show till evening

Saturday 13th 1878
Rose at 4:45am and had coffee. Walked deck till 6am. Had more coffee and bread and butter Some of the people turned out to breakfast at 9 o'clock. Had a good feed. Mutton chops and a lot of beef steak. We fished all morning but caught nothing. Sea quite calm the vessel scarcely moving. Dinner and on deck again. The Butcher is awful fun. All passengers are on deck. We are enjoying ourselves. In evening helped the sailors to haul in the rigging. ?????? and walked till supper at 10pm. Went on deck again and smoked. Quite calm … moon out splendidly. Turned in at 12:15pm

Sunday 14/7/78
Turned out about 7am on deck till 8:30 Breakfast. Morning service at 9:00 read by Mr Fox. Deck till lunch time. Again on deck reading. The weather keeps fine. In the morning the Channel pilot left us in a channel sailing boat. He paid one pound to be taken on shore. We had dinner at 4:30. Quite swell with dessert afterwards. Evening service and on deck till supper at 10 o'clock. On deck again till 12 when I turned in.

Monday 15/7/78
Nothing particular doing

Tuesday 16/7/78
Rose at 4am to fish. Put the line out but did not fish for long. Walked the deck with the second mate till 5 when I had some coffee. Walked about with the Doctor till breakfast at 8:30. just before we saw a shoal (sic) porpoises quite near to. After breakfast we had some revolver practice. I could shoot almost as well as any of them. The Captain was the only one who could beat me. We had lunch. The day is awfully warm. The Captain has had an awning put up. ?? is not full up to the mark so had no dinner. Went down to the children's tea just afterwards and had 3 ½ cups of tea. After tea we tried the game of going down on your one hand and ???thing a cork as far as possible. Turned in at 10:00 dead beat.

Wednesday 17th /7/78
Turned out at about 6 o'clock. Went on deck. About 7 saw some porpoises. After breakfast the wind rose and the vessel began to pitch finely. We are in the bay of Biscay. It is not so rough as I had thought. We have …………Lunch. After which a whale was seen spouting… also saw a shark. Several of the people ill. I did not feel quite bright so sat and read. Since 12 o'clock on Tuesday have made 152 miles. Turned in about 10 o'clock.

Thursday 18th /7/78
Rose rather late about 7amand found that several other passengers had been up bathing or rather having buckets of water thrown over them. After breakfast went on deck. Saw whales spouting some distance off, also some porpoises quite close. Some Mother Carup Chickens and ?? and a two masted vessel were also seen. By 12 o'clock the distance was registered as 178 miles. In the afternoon on deck reading. Dinner and on deck till evening about 10 the moon cam out and the water looked splendid. Almost calm. Turned in at 11:30

Friday 19th/7/78
Up at 6 and on deck in Macintosh and slippers. Had about a dozen buckets of water thrown over me. Nothing particular all day. In the evening had some singing. I sang in several . About ?? distance made in 24 hours only 34 miles. Turned in about 11 o/clock.

Saturday 20th/7/78
Up again at six

Geoffrey Ray DREADON 12.09.1918 - 19.04.2006

funeral eulogy 27 April 2006
Theses are observations of a life and the time and places in which it occurred.

Geoffrey Ray DREADON

father of Neil & Stuart DREADON; step-father of Jeremy & Michael BLANDFORD

Born 12 SEPT 1918 … died 19 April 2006 aged 87 Born in Homai in the Dreadon homestead … he was the second youngest … of six children … Remembers the power coming on when he was 7. went to school at Manurewa Central and College at Otahuhu High School where he did the agriculture course .. he was a member of the apery club … that's bee stuff not a king Kong derivative. This club was taught by Sir Edmund Hillary's father. Geoff remembered their first car … a 1927 VeeLee …when Geoff was 9 He helped to break the land ( where the Warehouse Red shed is) beside Grandfather Dreadon's block (known as Jack Dreadon although his name was Jon)…Geoff talked of standing on the seat of the Farmall H tractor to see over the gorse. The Farmall H Tractor was bought in 1944 at a cost of 400 pound. This land was planted in peas for a number of years.

During the war he trained at Waiouru … twice and finally served in the Home Forces and worked on the farm … as it was deemed an essential service.. The International Harvester hay bailer was bought soon for making hay on the farm and for contracting. Geoff was helped out by many of the local boys … barry and Russell Stuck, Tom Collard and others. The Dreadon family were keen members of the local Badminton Club and this is where Geoff and Elsie first met Barbara and her husband John. We have photos of Auntie Elsie at my brother Michael's christening … Auntie Elsie was Michael's godmother. John (my birth father) died on Christmas Eve in 1954.

I recall this man who could wiggle his ears and make shillings appear from behind our ears, make string dogs from twisted stock whip crackers and poke his tongue out between his gums and his teeth. Geoff married our mother Barbara in November 1957 at St Lukes Church, Manurewa …when I was 7 and Michael was 4. The best man was Wayne Faulkner and the bridesmaid was Auntie Elsie. Geoff was a 39 year old "bachelor" from down the road, and mum was a 34 year old "widow" . Marrying a widow with two sons probably raised some eyebrows. There were no photos of the wedding due to a malfunction with Wayne faulkner's camera … so the story goes.

The few photos taken after the wedding at 141 Browns Road show the men in 0ne button double breasted suits … probably the first and last time Geoff was "well suited" … I remember him going to someone else's funeral many years later and he put on a suit …which promptly fell apart because the moths had got to it. We moved from 96 Browns Road down to the homestead at 141 Browns Road. Remember growing up on the farm .. outside toilet, wash house, the dairy, the farm workers room, the meat safe under the macracarpa tree, the old corrugated water tanks used as fire wood bins; boxes of tools in the tractor shed, the long front paddock with two strips of concrete paving stones and the two cream coloured gate posts … you can still see the gap in the trees beside the Foundation for the Blind where the gate was. Neil born 1959
I would NOT regard Geoff as a sports fan but he did take us to the NZ Grand Prix at Ardmore when they raced the V16 BRM and the Cooper Climax cars. Learning to ride horses .. taught by the Picken girls … Anne and Jan Picken … their house is still their on Browns Road. We got holiday jobs at the Wool Store thru their Dad …Sam Picken. Geoff reminded me of us sneaking across the road to watch TV at the Picken's house. We also had Sunday pilgrimages up to Grandpa Dreadon's house at 37 GrandVue Road to watch "Bonanza" on the latest black and white curved screen TV. Events that stick in the mind are the grass fires in the paddocks alongside the railway line … cause by sparks from the steam trains during a very hot summer
The only time I can recall getting off school was to go away deerstalking to Poronui in the middle of the North Island with Geoff and Wayne Faulkner … it was memorable for the fact that the basics like taking cutlery and plates was forgotten … we ate "hunter's stew" off paper plates which after three days were somewhat soggy and falling apart. Geoff would probably have been irritated because Mum forgot to pack them. Duck shooting on the ponds down the back of the farm … also a duck shooting trip in the old LandRover with Mark and edgar Gibbons up to Kaipara was the time of the pig foot and mouth scare at Warkworth Learning to ride a bike up and down the front drive … getting a new bike … a three speed strummer archer gear model …when I went to Intermediate.

Memories of Picking up sheep from Taihape at the Papakura railway station… sheep shearing , lionel pennington, the wool press, stenciling brands on wool bales. Haymaking, lambing; tailing Drenching and dipping sheep …then we got one of those run thru sheep sprays Hunting for mushrooms … used to get a good bucketful … mum would cook these up with a creamy sauce … one of Geoff's favourite meals Christmas time … spring lamb, new potatoes and fresh peas … taxi's pulling up with locals wanting "one of those big fat muttons" for the whanau …steaming hot, big mutton carcasses tossed into the boot of the taxi… the food safety authorities would really love that NOW Doing the lamb beat on the Vespa motor scooter … the original NZ farm bike …geoff would hold the ewe its feet restrained with the dog collar, between his legs on the tray of the scooter, the lamb was in a sack over the handle bars and we would sit on the back with our feet on the hump mudguards … and then slip and slide along the paddock to the hay shed Riding horses for Lambing beats and rounding up cattle from McLaughlins.

Stuart born 29 jan 1966 and they opened the Auckland Airport to commemorate that day and the rest of the family climbed to McLaughlins Mountain to watch the planes landing … Being taught to drive in the landrover … the Humber Hawke .. column change … later doing the heavy traffic in the Bedford truck … I remember the way Geoff would hold his tongue when changing gear as he thumped the gear\lever down. The way he stood in that cockeyed way, flicking open the pouch on his belt to look at the time on his pocket watch, the green swandri jackets and cloth peaked caps. Summers down at Weymouth … climbing up the bank above the beach up to the bach with its classic built in sun porch … and the large pouhutukawa tree … still there. Water skiing with the jet boat … and with Henry Woulk who ran the local BP station

Mum had a red FIAT Bambina … 500cc of Italian machinations … but she liked it … although Michael learn't to drive in Peter Rapleys morris minor, he had a number of adventurous slow journeys in Mum's bambina. I left home in 73 and went south to work in the meat industry … Stuart was 6 … Geoff bought the Jag … which he reckons Mum never liked. Geoff had his own specific views on people, racial issues and work. When they were looking to build a house at Weymouth he firmly believed that Mum didn't deserve it cause she had never worked a day in her life …YEAH RIGHT … she had only brought up 4 sons, managed the house hold, cooked and fed haymakers, shearers and multitudes of farm workers … as well she learn't amongst other things …woodwork, millinery, pottery, tailoring, sewing … made many of her clothes and ours as kids, and the many farm caps that Geoff wore, jewellery making, book binding, tapestry, weaving spinning and I think even welding … at Easter this year Geoff begrudgingly noted that … YES … she was clever for her time.

Mum died in November 1989 … and for someone who did not express emotions openly .. this obviously affected Geoff greatly … most conversations included comments about the number of years since Mum died. He did very well thru these later years … taking a greater interest and involvement with the Antique Arms Society … coping with Stuart's trips back and forth to India and returning with a wife … Shalini Generous to many outside of the family yet at times was challenged to acknowledge the achievements of the family around him. Geoff was fortunate to have brothers and sisters … Fred, Grace, Eileen, Jean and Elsie, … who looked out for him sons and daughters … Fay, Michael & Julie, Neil & Louise, and especially Stuart & Shalini who cared for him and looked after him in his latter years. He was able to experience the next generation of Scott, Nicola, Anna, Rebecca, Joshua, Tessa, Timothy, Salina, Sarah and Samuel … so Mr Dreadon, Geoffrey, Geoff, brother, uncle, cousin, and father … this has been your life. Geoff will be buried next to Barbara at St David's Church in Wiri with a view over the farmland he knew so well.
GRD …Rest in Peace.