Friday, April 23, 2010

Great Grandfather POLLOCK ... trip to NZ 1878

Dairy Commenced 11/7/1878
Started at 10:30am in the Ship Crusader to New Zealand..


John and mother came to see me off. John left me at the docks (East indian). Mother came to Graves End. Reached Graves End about 12. Stayed till four when Captain came on board. Mother went on alone in boat. We were tugged down the river with only two or three sails set. Are now somewhere about the mouth at 10:15pm. Mother has ????? with me on board. The vessel is now for the first time commencing to heave. I must stop or I shall heave too. Turning in at 10:15pm

Friday 12th july 1878
Turned out at 2 o'clock am. Had a turn or so on deck with the Cap. Pilot and two friends of the latter. About 2:30 the pilot left (Mr Grach?) and the Aug steamer took him back. Turned in again at 4:00 am Slept till 7 when I gotup. Had more coffee and immediately got rid of it again. Went on deck till breakfast. Had breakfast. Soon sent it after the first cup of coffee. Walked till dinner. Had that and again was ill. Only the Captain and the two others besides myself to breakfast and dinner. In the afternoon lay down till tea. Had tea and went on deck. The wind fell at 4pm and the sea got smooth. Walked till 10 o'clock when I turned in. Ig?? Did not show till evening

Saturday 13th 1878
Rose at 4:45am and had coffee. Walked deck till 6am. Had more coffee and bread and butter Some of the people turned out to breakfast at 9 o'clock. Had a good feed. Mutton chops and a lot of beef steak. We fished all morning but caught nothing. Sea quite calm the vessel scarcely moving. Dinner and on deck again. The Butcher is awful fun. All passengers are on deck. We are enjoying ourselves. In evening helped the sailors to haul in the rigging. ?????? and walked till supper at 10pm. Went on deck again and smoked. Quite calm … moon out splendidly. Turned in at 12:15pm

Sunday 14/7/78
Turned out about 7am on deck till 8:30 Breakfast. Morning service at 9:00 read by Mr Fox. Deck till lunch time. Again on deck reading. The weather keeps fine. In the morning the Channel pilot left us in a channel sailing boat. He paid one pound to be taken on shore. We had dinner at 4:30. Quite swell with dessert afterwards. Evening service and on deck till supper at 10 o'clock. On deck again till 12 when I turned in.

Monday 15/7/78
Nothing particular doing

Tuesday 16/7/78
Rose at 4am to fish. Put the line out but did not fish for long. Walked the deck with the second mate till 5 when I had some coffee. Walked about with the Doctor till breakfast at 8:30. just before we saw a shoal (sic) porpoises quite near to. After breakfast we had some revolver practice. I could shoot almost as well as any of them. The Captain was the only one who could beat me. We had lunch. The day is awfully warm. The Captain has had an awning put up. ?? is not full up to the mark so had no dinner. Went down to the children's tea just afterwards and had 3 ½ cups of tea. After tea we tried the game of going down on your one hand and ???thing a cork as far as possible. Turned in at 10:00 dead beat.

Wednesday 17th /7/78
Turned out at about 6 o'clock. Went on deck. About 7 saw some porpoises. After breakfast the wind rose and the vessel began to pitch finely. We are in the bay of Biscay. It is not so rough as I had thought. We have …………Lunch. After which a whale was seen spouting… also saw a shark. Several of the people ill. I did not feel quite bright so sat and read. Since 12 o'clock on Tuesday have made 152 miles. Turned in about 10 o'clock.

Thursday 18th /7/78
Rose rather late about 7amand found that several other passengers had been up bathing or rather having buckets of water thrown over them. After breakfast went on deck. Saw whales spouting some distance off, also some porpoises quite close. Some Mother Carup Chickens and ?? and a two masted vessel were also seen. By 12 o'clock the distance was registered as 178 miles. In the afternoon on deck reading. Dinner and on deck till evening about 10 the moon cam out and the water looked splendid. Almost calm. Turned in at 11:30

Friday 19th/7/78
Up at 6 and on deck in Macintosh and slippers. Had about a dozen buckets of water thrown over me. Nothing particular all day. In the evening had some singing. I sang in several . About ?? distance made in 24 hours only 34 miles. Turned in about 11 o/clock.

Saturday 20th/7/78
Up again at six

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